Our mission

Our mission is to help each company succeed by helping them transform their customer data into customer knowledge while simplifying the work of their employees.

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Efficy Group in numbers

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    daily users
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    Customers in
    60 countries
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    Turnover of
  • picto
    average annual growth
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    Index of Professional Equality between Women and Men

Our values

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    Our strength: delivering the best CRM to demanding and inspiring clients.

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    People first

    Our DNA: listening to our customers, to our ecosystem and to our colleagues.

The philosophy of Efficy CRM solutions

2021 – Let’s take a look back at our year together!

Our clients trust us

Vacancies: would you like to join us?

The Efficy Group, located in thirteen countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom), is a major player in the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) market. With a wide range of solutions, we have won over some 13,500 customers with an exciting yearly turnover of EUR 66 million. And we don’t intend to stop there! Our ambition? To become the #EuropeanCRMChampion.

By joining the Efficy Group, you will be joining an amazing and exhilarating adventure. Jump onboard with us.

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What’s happening at Efficy