Targeting: the first step towards personalised communication

Segmentation tools in Efficy’s CRM solutions enable your marketing teams to refine their actions and personalise their communications with customers.

Companies need to transition from mass communication (one to many) to something approaching individual communication.

With Efficy’s segmentation tools, that has become possible!

User-specific segmentation criteria

Of course, permissions and access rights are taken into account when executing the segmentation. It is also easy to pre-define a query that users can update when using it, choosing the criteria when they execute it.  

The target population can be calculated at any time. This means you can run tests before executing the query.
Of course, your users can save a segmentation to use it later.

Each item of data can be used as a targeting criterion

In order to define the targeted population of an event, the segmentation features of Efficy’s CRM solutions enable users to use as criteria any of the objects of the application (Companies, Contacts, Opportunities, Requests, etc.), and with an unlimited number of criteria.

Different types of criteria in segmentation

A targeting action can be based on different types of criteria:

  • Qualitative criteria: activity, geographic area, status, etc.
  • Behavioural criteria: ongoing opportunities, past purchases, requests, etc.
  • Time-related criteria: for date fields Efficy CRM enables users to define contextual values, such as a birthday, today’s date -5 days, etc.