Tracking your customer relationship through Interactions

With Efficy’s CRM solutions, you can easily track all the interactions your company has with your customers/prospects, whatever the communication channel used (call, email, correspondence, meetings, etc.).

Centralising all the data on your interactions with each individual customer or contact facilitates cooperation among your teams and also means improves your possibilities of meeting the expectations of your customers.

A wealth of information for building a sound Customer Relationship

The Interaction Screen of our software solution groups all the Interactions you have had with a Company or a Contact.

It lists: the topic and the type of interaction (email, letter, call, etc.); the date, time and status (completed or pending); the people linked to the interaction (be they internal users of the CRM solution or external – customers, prospects, partners, suppliers, etc.).

Of course, for each interaction, comments or a report on the outcome of the discussion can be added.

You can also link an interaction to an opportunity so that your sales teams have more context.

Or you can link a complaint letter to a claim, for the attention of your Customer Service agents.

Interaction logs: the foundation of shared knowledge

Managers can also benefit from the entire history of actions and interactions centralised in the CRM, because this enables assigning actions to his or her team.

With the interactions log, managers can immediately see whether the task has been completed or is still pending.

Interaction logging is also very useful from the standpoint of knowledge: your employees may not always be your employees.

When employees leave the company, they take all their customer knowledge away with them.

Documenting all interactions in the CRM database is a guarantee that knowledge is transferred and that no information is lost.

Interaction log: context, context, context!

Each interaction can be linked to another object in the CRM solution: an opportunity, a complaint, a marketing campaign, etc.

Your interactions are contextualised, and the information they provide becomes all the more relevant.

Thanks to context links, you can group interactions in order to measure the efficiency of a marketing campaign; for example, the actual cost of an opportunity, etc.

Of course, in addition to logging interactions, you can also link each individual interaction to a document.

Optimal management of your to-do-list

You can set deadlines for all pending interactions.

That way, when users log in, they will have a clear view of their to-do-list on their dashboard.

Your teams will no longer have to remember long lists of tasks, the CRM will do it for them.