Controlling access rights to your CRM data

A CRM solution is the cornerstone of a company.

The data it contains is strategic and the security of these data is critical.

These data are the company’s most valuable asset.

Therefore, it is indispensable to have an access management system which is tailored to each individual item of data.

User accounts managed by the administrator

Efficy’s CRM solutions offer advanced access rights management features. Administrators have several configuration tools at their disposal: user management, access rights, teams, etc. They can easily create a new CRM user and assign this user a login and a password for accessing the application.

The solution also enables administrators to modify user profiles or deactivate users. Of course, these actions are strictly limited to the administrator of the software solution.

Access rights managed at the level of the team

Efficy CRM’s solutions provide a very agile and powerful rights management functionality. It is based simultaneously on a notion of profile and of ownership of each item of information. Users can have one or several profiles.

For example, a user can have a “Sales Representative” profile as well as a “B2B” profile. In which case, they will have the access rights linked to the “B2B Market” entity, and all the permissions reserved exclusively to “Sales Representatives”.

Being able to assign several profiles to each actor means you can easily define very precise permissions without having to create too many roles, which are then cumbersome to manage.

With the “team” concept, a manager can carry out actions at a global level for the team as a whole. For example, the manager of a customer service department can assign requests to the team, track on-going requests for the entire team, monitor performance, etc. The administrator creates these teams.

For each data item, a specific level of security

For each object, you can assign an “owner”. For example, you could say that the “owner” of an “account” is the sales representative in charge, or the “owner” of a “contact” is the sales representative attached to the company to which the contact belongs.

Similarly, a user can be the owner of an action, an opportunity, etc. This user will then be notified automatically whenever this item is updated. The user can also if he/she so chooses to restrict access to this item for a large part of the organization and maintain its confidentiality.