Mobile CRM: a necessity for staying competitive

Being able to access up-to-date information on your customers and potential customers in real time thanks to a mobile solution helps your sales teams work smarter and faster.

For their managers, it is a guarantee of greater productivity, increased performance and better quality.

A must-have if you want to stay competitive!

Mobile CRM: the answer for your outside sales force

Customers are demanding, so are sales representatives: they want to know all pricing information in real time. Being able to issue a quote on the spot while visiting a prospect is sometimes the key to signing a deal right there and then.

Faced with these constant challenges on a daily basis, your sales representatives need an efficient and powerful mobile CRM app to aid them in their tasks and give them that extra competitive edge.

 This is all the more true since sales representatives work on the go, and the sales process has become increasingly complex.

With a mobile CRM they can update, synchronise and share information with all of the company’s departments as if they were in the office. They will be just as efficient on the road with a tablet or a smartphone as at the office.

Update information in real time

All the data is updated in real time and can be accessed by all the departments in the company.

Sales representatives can focus on selling, and on nurturing the customer relationship thanks to having all the resources available.

Having a mobile solution guarantees a responsive, flexible and evolutive Customer Relationship.

Efficy CRM: the mobile application with you in the field

Because a mobile CRM can be accessed from a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop, Efficy CRM is built on responsive technology.

This means that the ergonomics of the software solution adapt automatically to the device (laptop, tablet, smartphone) without compromising any of the features.

A lot of features dedicated to mobility

In addition to the traditional features of the desktop version of our CRM solutions, the mobile app provides a range of features specifically designed for mobility:

  • geolocation of prospects to locate contacts who are nearby after a meeting/visit
  • business card scan to import contact details into the CRM in a few clicks
  • manage synchronised and shared calendars
  • enter visit reports on the spot
  • access dashboards and generate reports

Your will continue to have access to all your data in offline mode.

You’re on the train, or you’re in a car park? No problem, you will still have access to your information.