The Efficy Group offers comprehensive solutions for your sales teams

Your sales representatives need a tool which can help them boost sales, convert prospects into customers and build loyalty.

Efficy offers simple but comprehensive tools for your sales teams to help them unleash their potential. Based on a single customer database, our solutions provide a clear and synthetic 360° customer view. The automatic integration of sales leads and prospecting, together with quotation management tools will assist your sales teams on a daily basis.

Thanks to our automation features, you can optimise how the members of your sales force use their time, so they can focus on high value-added tasks.

The challenges of CRM for sales

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    Win over customers and build loyalty

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    Plan and organise sales actions

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    Improve the conversion rate

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    Increase turnover

Enhance and share customer knowledge

One of the primary objectives of a sales solution is to share and record customer information. This key data is what lies at the centre of our CRM solution for sales. Based on a single customer database, Efficy CRM provides a clear and synthetic 360° customer view. Whether it concerns a customer, a potential customer, a company or a private individual, all the data is centralised. This means that all the teams who are in contact with customers will be able to provide a personalised response.

Manage the sales forces and ensure sales follow-up

From lead generation to order, and from business detection to closing a deal, our sales monitoring solution provides an accurate overview of customer potential and all ongoing sales opportunities (stake, probability, positioning, competition, planning).

With just one click, Efficy CRM generates sales forecasts, by month, by salesperson, by product, etc. thereby helping increase productivity by guiding sales action. The result: your calls and appointments will be more relevant.

Automate tasks and enhance efficiency

Features to automatically integrate sales leads, tools for prospecting as well as quotation management tools will assist your sales teams on a daily basis.

Our range of CRM solutions provides a real-time view of your portfolio (stake, opportunities) which, coupled with functionalities for optimising sales action planning, automates customer reminders.

Assist sales reps in the field

Wherever your sales team members may be – in the office, on the road or at customer appointments – our sales monitoring software will support them.

Efficy CRM is accessible from a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Efficy provides remote sales reps with freedom of action.

It provides inside sales representatives with an essential complementary tool, guiding their outreach and helping them to win over and retain customers.

Bridging the gap between sales and marketing

Operational marketing becomes simple with Efficy CRM. With our sales-oriented solution:

  • you have all customer information at hand to target your customers effectively and precisely;
  • you can segment your customer database, work on prospects, cross-reference targets, sample your database, test it, communicate via a number of digital or traditional channels at the same time;
  • you can monitor and analyse the results of these actions.

Our references

Our blog articles


Marketers Ask AI: How to Use AI for SEO?

Welcome to the second blog in our series where we ask AI (artificial intelligence) about essential B2B marketing topics, diving deep into its answers with expert input. As we continue[...]
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