A CRM solution at the service of Citizen Relationship

City councils, general or regional councils, and the various local government institutions have to address the ever-increasing demands of citizens on a daily basis. To meet the expectations of their constituents, municipalities, departments, regions and counties need to enhance their reactiveness as well as the quality of their services.

Our CRM solutions for local government have been designed to help you achieve these objectives by providing a comprehensive range of services which are simple to implement: e-administration; teleservices; automated processes for requests; knowledge base; citizen portal; mobility; etc.

CRM challenges for local governments

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    Analysing and promoting the quality of public service
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    Adapting to evolving habits
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    Simplifying and optimising the work of civil servants
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    Automating protocol management

Processing requests

Our CRM solutions for local government enable you to centralise all user requests (information, requests, reports) in one single CRM database, whatever the channel used (in person, phone, mail or digital). These requests are then passed on to the appropriate department. Replies to these requests follow your pre-defined validation workflow until they are signed or sent.

Citizen extranet

Online services available 24/7. By providing a citizen extranet, you will give your constituents access at any time to online processes: reporting; requesting a civil registration certificate; making an appointment; etc.

Once constituents have set up their account, they can track the progress of their requests and answer questions whenever these are asked of them. Teleprocesses are automatically transmitted to the relevant department for processing. Of course, the citizen portal is accessible on PC, tablet or Smartphone.


Protocolary management

Efficy’s CRM for local governments makes it easy for you to organise your events because the CRM solution has a dedicated module for protocol and event management. Thanks to the single database of contacts, VIPs and organisations, and the refined targeting features of Efficy CRM, you will be able to define a very precise list of guests.

You can then send your invitations by mail or e-mail, and offer your guests the possibility of registering online. Finally, thanks to the document templates feature, our CRM solution for local government generates documents with just a single click.

Statistics for clear and relevant reporting

Our CRM solutions for local governments provide a better understanding of citizens’ expectations, and facilitate the operation of teleservices and e-government.

The objective is to optimise the actions taken by local government institutions. The CRM solution can automatically calculate and analyse the following: requests by district, period or type; average turnaround times; number of pending reports; etc.

Our solutions



Are you a small business or a start-up looking to buy ready-to-use customer relationship management software for the first time that will grow with you?
25€ / user / month

(2 users minimum)

See the features


Are you a small to medium-sized company or a company with a very small business and are you looking for a customizable and easy-to-implement CRM software?
45€ / user / month

(5 users minimum)

See the features


Are you a medium-sized company looking for a complete CRM software, adapted to each department, to centralize all customer knowledge?
60€ / user / month

(5 users minimum)

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Are you a large company or a major account with a CRM project underway? Are you looking for a tailor-made software solution to improve your processes?
80€ / user / month

(10 users minimum)

See the features