Manage your projects with our extended CRM solution

Project Management involves managing resources, tasks, budgets and schedules.

At Efficy we believe it is important to support our customers every step of the way, so we decided to integrate Project Management features into our CRM solution.


Plan and share

It is often difficult to manage project planning.

The schedule can change every week, sometimes even every day!

With the kanban project view, you can shift tasks and the corresponding team members with a simple drag and drop.

This view also provides an overview of the status of the tasks of the project at a glance.

Do you work on projects with external partners? No problem! The schedule can be accessed by outside users.

This means everyone involved in your projects can access the same schedule, which is updated in real-time.

Assigning the right task to the right person

Projects are broken down into tasks; each team member has specific skills and competences.

With the Project Management Module, you can assign tasks to the team members who are available and best equipped to carry them out.

All team members can view the schedule and plan their work accordingly.

Manage your budget

Project management also involves managing the project’s budget.

With Efficy CRM’s dedicated Project Management Module, you can define a cost for each team member (a Project Director will be more expensive than a Project Manager, for example).

You can then manage your overall budget easily, by comparing the forecasted cost against the actual cost.