Our training sessions adapted to your needs

Videos on-demand
(1 hour)

You have one hour free on your calendar… Why not watch one of these short videos in order to keep your skills up to date? Here are some topics:

  • Companies & Contacts
  • Tasks & Agenda
  • Targeting
  • Marketing campaigns

Web sessions
(2 hours)

One user needs a specific update and you can’t dedicate a whole day? Then web sessions are what you need. A 2-hour training without any exercise.

  • Queries
  • Rules engine
  • Designer User rights
  • Digital marketing and webforms

More info on our extranet

Public sessions
(From 1 to 5 days)

You want to train your administrators and Efficy’s solution shouldn’t have any secret from them. They should attend to our public sessions at our offices

  • E-Deal CRM by Efficy Basic
  • E-Deal CRM by Efficy Technical
  • Efficy CRM Basic
  • Efficy CRM Technical

More info on our extranet

Enjoy our unlimited training

As training might be difficult to manage on an administration level, we suggest you an unlimited training formula.

For 10€ / user/month, all your CRM users can benefit from unlimited pieces of training.

Thanks to this formula, all users can keep their skills up-to-date and the company will maximize its ROI on its CRM solution.

This offer applies to videos on-demand, web sessions, and public sessions.

Tailor made training sessions

Your environment is so specific that you need tailor-made training.

No problem! We can build your own training program with you.

Based on your production environment, your own business processes, this training will stick 100% to your needs.

Our diving instructors will go to your offices and meet your CRM community.

These on-site sessions are not included in our unlimited training formula.

A training at every step of your CRM project

No matter where you are, which profile you have (administrator, user in sales team, in marketing team, etc.),
there’s a training for you!

Mixing topics, depth and format, we’ll be able to build your tailor-made training path.

Public sessions at our offices, web sessions, videos on demand, and customized trainings dedicated to your environment, etc.

There are plenty of interesting training sessions:
the more you know about your Efficy CRM, the easier it is to make the most of it!